History Today

How ASEAN Lost its Way

Off with Their Heads!

Ireland and Palestine: United by Partition?

Reforming England’s Divorce Law

Mother Jones
Watching the Detectives
Watching the Detectives

The New York Times
Where Have all the Chinese I.P.Os Gone?
Where Have all the Chinese I.P.Os Gone?

The Simple Art Of Murder (Unpublished)

Spanish Blood

Trouble is My Business

Guns at Cyrano’s

I’ll Be Waiting

The New York Times
Why is Biden Struggling? Because America is Broken

The New York Times
Book Review of The Garden of Seven Twilights by Miquel de Palol
Book Review of The Garden of Seven Twilights by Miquel de Palol

Prospect Magazine
The Asylum King. How one man has made millions from Britain’s broken immigration system
The Asylum King. How one man has made millions from Britain’s broken immigration system

Prospect Magazine
Repair and Reconcile
Repair and Reconcile

Book Review of Fluke by Brian Klaas

Freedom to Roam
Freedom to Roam

High Country News
Oregon’s Greater Idaho Movement

The New Yorker
Did Making the Rules of War Better Make the World Worse?

The New Yorker
The British Empire Was Much Worse Than You Realise
The British Empire Was Much Worse Than You Realise

The New York Times
Two Weeks at Twitter

Lehigh’s Research Magazine
Reading the Room

The Atavist Magazine
Who is Mr X?

The Economist
The Agony of Silence

Harvard Divinity Bulletin
The Rise of Capitalism

Harpers Magazine
Is Liberalism Worth Saving?

The Radio Times
Cyber Crime
History Today

Ukrainian Tales

The 51st State?

Uncomfortable History

Governing Goliath

Rotting Among the Tsetse

Belarus Remembers

The death of Liberal South Africa

Pandemics now and then

Britain’s Forgotten Citizens.

The positives and negatives of public statues

Who’s Afraid of the Stasi?
The State of Myanmar

The State of Myanmar

Pandemics and Mental Health

Escape to Mexico

Disraeli or Churchill

Kazakhstan’s Nuclear Nightmare
The Economist

The Ticking Bomb under Canad’s Constitution

No Vaccine For Cruelty
How Russia is Trying to Win Over the Global South

How Russia is Trying to Win Over the Global South

Chinese Political interference has Western Spooks Worried

China Wants to Insulate itself against Western Sanctions
Latin America remains a playg round for Russian intelligence

Latin America remains a playg round for Russian intelligence
The New York Times
What Will Happen if Doctors Defy the Law to Provide Abortions?

What Will Happen if Doctors Defy the Law to Provide Abortions?

Who are ‘we the people’?

Book review of Now We Shall Be Entirely Free By Andrew Miller

What a Witch Hunt Really looks Like

Why Our Nuclear Weapons can be Hacked

Witchcraft on the Campaign Trail

Book review: Crazy Sorrow by Vince Passaro

Britain’s crime of complicit

Book review of ‘The Little Red Chairs’ by Edna O’Brien

A Flu Pandemic is Coming

The allure of the prison break

Book review of ‘Ill Will’ by Dan Chaon

Book review: The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley

Book review: The Wall by John Lanc

Paravion Press
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

BBC History
Medieval Medicine

BBC World Histories magazine
The influences of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four

The New Yorker
The Birth-Tissue Profiteers

Book Cover for ‘‘Leur âme au diable’ by Marin Ledun

Book Cover for ‘‘The Aestheticisation of the World’ by Gilles Lipovetsky and Jean Serro

Arrested Development:
The Inside Story of Institutional Misogyny in the Police
Arrested Development:
The Inside Story of Institutional Misogyny in the Police

Neoliberals and Right-Wing Populists
Neoliberals and Right-Wing Populists

Cicero Magazine
The Future of the Democratic Party and its Lean to the Left
The Future of the Democratic Party and its Lean to the Left

Cicero Magazine
Fickle politicians cover and internal illustration
Fickle politicians cover and internal illustration

Arm Magazine
Cover artwork for the tech company Arm
Cover artwork for the tech company Arm

The Lancet

The Folio Society
The Folio Society’s edition of ‘The Secret Agent’ by Joseph Conrad
The Folio Society’s edition of ‘The Secret Agent’ by Joseph Conrad

The Folio Society
The Folio Society’s edition of ‘A Clockwork Orange’ by Anthony Burgess

Rotland Press
Book Cover
Book Cover

Putin’s World Cup
Poster for I Don’t Love Soccer Because Soccer Has Never Loved Me show
Poster for I Don’t Love Soccer Because Soccer Has Never Loved Me show

Pushkin Press
Book Cover for ‘The Hideout by Egon Hostovsky
Book Cover for ‘The Hideout by Egon Hostovsky

Penguin Books
Book cover for ‘The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett
Book cover for ‘The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett
Rotland Press

An Endless Persuit of Nothing

A Dance With Death 2020
Rotland Press: The Plague Review
Rotland Press: The Plague Review

Big Head Jim
Rotlandpress: The Dreadfuls

Welcome to the New World
Self published short story
Self published short story

In the House of Melted Heads
Self published short story
Self published short story

Rotland Press
A Day in the Life of the Fop, Short story.
A Day in the Life of the Fop, Short story.

Rotland Press
On the Way Down, Short story.
On the Way Down, Short story.